Experimental techniques

Yanqiu Huang , ... Zhixiang Cao , in Industrial Ventilation Blueprint Guidebook (Second Edition), 2021

four.three.vii.2 Mechanical manometers

Mechanical manometers are the oldest, simplest, and most reliable pressure level measurement instruments (Benedict, 1984; Holman, 1994; Trietley, 1986). They have some disadvantages, which is ane reason the use of electric manometers is expanding. Their simplicity and fundamental nature can, yet, exist an reward.

Fluid manometers

Fluid manometers are devices where the readout of the pressure differential is the length of a liquid column. The most fundamental implementation of this principle is the U-tube manometer. This is simply a tube of U shape filled with manometer fluid, as shown in Fig. 4.18. The pressure differential is applied at both ends of the tube, making the manometer fluid move downward in ane limb and upwardly in the other, until the forces acting on the fluid are in balance.

Figure 4.eighteen. Measurement range of different types of manometers.

In ventilation applications, where the density of the manometer fluid is much higher than the density of air, the pressure level difference Δp tin be expressed using the equation

(4.23) Δ p = ρ g h

where ρ is the density of the manometer fluid, grand is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the meridian between the two columns of the manometer fluid. Because the density of the manometer fluids commonly used is quite high (800–g   kg   grand−3), the sensitivity of the U-tube manometer is low.

Several other variations of the fluid manometer provide a college sensitivity. The inclined well-blazon manometer (Fig. 4.eighteen) has a large-cross-section container for the manometer fluid connected to an inclined tube with a scale. The pressure divergence becomes

(four.24) Δ p = ρ g 50 sin α

where 50 is the length of the fluid column in the tube and α is the angle between the inclined tube and the horizontal.

The sensitivity of the well manometer tin can be adjusted by changing the angle α and tin be some xxx times that of the U-tube. This blazon is likewise often called a micromanometer due to its ability to measure very modest pressure differences. Several other types of micromanometers and fluid manometers are also available (Figs. 4.19 and 4.xx).

Figure 4.xix. Principle of a U-tube manometer.

Figure iv.20. Principle of an inclined well-blazon manometer.

The most mutual manometer fluids are water, alcohol, and mercury. The density of h2o and alcohol are quite close to each other, whereas the density of mercury is much higher. Many factors accept to be considered when selecting a fluid for a manometer, including


Specific gravity;

Surface tension;

Corrosive properties;

Coefficient of thermal expansion;

Viscosity changes with temperature;

The effect of coloring dye added;

The influence of the assimilation of h2o vapor from the atmosphere into the fluid.

The specific gravities of oils and alcohols are about 0.viii, of water 1.0, and of mercury 13.vi. Booze has a low surface tension; still, information technology tends to absorb water and evaporate, and its density varies considerably with temperature.

A very obvious manner to change the measurement range and sensitivity of a fluid manometer is past using fluids of different densities. There are only a few suitable liquids with specific gravity between that of water and mercury. Ethylene bromide has a specific gravity of ii.ii and acetylene tetrabromide 3.0, simply they are corrosive.

Other mechanical pressure level transducers

The nearly frequently applied mechanical manometers in ventilation applications are fluid manometers, but the following types are also used. The Bourdon tube is a small-volume tube with an elliptic cantankerous-section bent to the shape of a circular arc, the C-type. One stop is open to the practical force per unit area while the other terminate is closed. The pressure level inside the tube causes an elastic deformation of the tube and displaces the closed stop, which is then converted, by ways of a linkage mechanism, into the movement of a pointer. The Bourdon tube may exist of a spiral or helical design as well.

The metal bellows is a serial of round parts, resembling the folds in an squeeze box. Information technology is joined together in such a manner that it tin can freely expand or contract axially by changes in pressure. The metal used must be thin enough to be flexible, ductile enough for ease of fabrication, and have a high resistance to fatigue failure. This pressure is mechanically amplified and converted to the movement of a pointer. The bellows is the nigh sensitive of the nonfluid transducers and most suitable for small pressure differences.

A diaphragm is a flexible membrane used for pressure measurement, commonly made of metal. A sheathing consists of two diaphragms fastened at their perimeters to form a closed volume. A pressure difference applied over the membrane deforms the structure. This deformation can exist converted into the move of a pointer by means of attached linkages. The diaphragm surface can be of different shapes: dished, flat, or corrugated. The choice depends on the forcefulness and deflection needed. The diaphragm can be utilized every bit a pressure transducer. A capsule made of diaphragms offers a larger movement. The sensitivity can farther exist increased by attaching several capsules in series to form a stack.

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Pressure Standards

A. BERMAN , in Total Pressure level Measurements in Vacuum Technology, 1985

(ii) The capillary depression

The forces which deed at the interface between the arm of the instrument, the manometer fluid, and gas depress the meniscus of the manometer fluid by a linear corporeality referred to as capillary depression. Theoretically, this corporeality is a function of the surface tension of the fluid, the meniscus height, and the bore of the manometer tube. Readings of the column peak must therefore be corrected for capillary depression.

For mercury, the shape of the meniscus (convex) (Fig. 3.two) can exist expressed according to Laplace (1816) equally

Fig. 3.2. Capillary depression.

(3.9) 1 / b = 2 Z / a ii sin  V / u

where b is the radius of curvature at a bespeak of ordinate Z and abscissa u; V is the bending between the tangent at that point and the horizontal. The term a two, chosen capillary abiding, has the value

(3.10) a 2 = 2 γ / Δ ρ one thousand

where γ is the surface tension, Δρ the difference in density betwixt the mercury and the surrounding gas, and g the acceleration due to gravity at the location of decision.

Equation (three.9) has not been solved explicitly, and the usual arroyo is the utilize of tables based on numerical solutions (Blaisdell, 1940; Kistemaker, 1945; Gould and Vickers, 1952; Brombacher et al., 1960). There is, however, no certainty that the calculated values will hold for conditions slightly unlike from those considered at calculations. This is mainly due to the tendency of the capillary depression to vary with the contamination of both the mercury and the walls of the glass tubing, the age of the mercury, local differences in both the bore of the tube and the drinking glass surface, the direction of the change in pressure, etc.

Huang et al. (1972) developed an empirical equation for computing the capillary depression of mercury in tubes of diameter larger or equal to 0.4 cm, expressed as

(3.11) h  c = [ ( 0.2936 r 0.42325 ) Δ h  c 2 + 0.255 r three 0.325 r 2 + 0.009 r + 0.130 ] Δ h  c / ( Δ h 2 + r 2 )

Hither h c is the capillary low, r the radius of the tube, and Δh c the height of the meniscus, all in centimeters. The authors claim that h c can be computed inside about 1 µm.

Mercury does non moisture most materials. In drinking glass tubes it exhibits an erratic beliefs partially attributed to the electrostatic charges generated when the mercury column shifts its position in the drinking glass tube. The electrostatic charge yielded by the movement of mercury in a glass tube was approximated to be a maximum of 6 × 10−9 C (Miller and Jerinjan, 1964).

The capillary depression of oil can be calculated by using Blaisdell's (1940) numerical equations provided that density, surface tension, and contact angle are known. Considering of the capillary forces, the oil meniscus is concave. This constitutes a drawback when measuring the height of the liquid column by noncontacting techniques. The effect of capillarity can be reduced by using large-bore tubes, very make clean conditions for both the glass vessel accomodating the manometer fluid and the fluid itself, and conscientious manipulation techniques for determinations.

Usually, U-tube manometers have drinking glass tubes of about 38-mm diameter. Cleaning procedures for drinking glass (Espe, 1966, vol. Ii, p. 270), mercury (Espe 1966, vol. I, p. 602), and oil (Poulter and Nash, 1979) are available. Tilford (1973) covered the glass walls of a U-tube manometer with a sparse, optically transparent layer (chromium or nickel), which permitted reproducible contact angles for mercury.

The distillation of the manometer fluid into the artillery of the instrument (Thomas et al., 1963) assures the cleanness of the fluid, only the procedure may change its density when the fluid is oil.

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Gauges for Depression-Pressure Measurement

A. BERMAN , in Full Pressure level Measurements in Vacuum Technology, 1985

4.2.two Liquid-Cavalcade Manometers

Accented or differential pressures can be measured in terms of the height of a liquid column.

The open-end manometer (Fig. iv.4a ) is a glass tube, normally U-shaped, filled with the manometer fluid (mercury or oil) (run across Section 3.2). One end of the tube is open to atmosphere (reference pressure P r), the other end is connected to a organization containing the gas whose pressure P 10 must be determined. The pinnacle h, measured between the menisci of the manometer fluid in the two limbs of the manometer, is related to pressure by Eq. (one.two). The drawback of the open-end manometer is that pressure level determination depends, nether constant temperature weather, upon the knowledge of atmospheric pressure. This drawback is circumvented by closing one limb under low pressure level (reference pressure) (Fig. 4.4b).

Fig. 4.four. Liquid-column manometers. (a) Open end; (b) closed-finish U-tube; (c) inclined; (d) McLeod gauge. P x is unknown force per unit area, P r the reference pressure level.

The pressure level range of the U-shaped liquid manometer is from 1 × 104 Pa (100 Torr) to virtually 10 Pa (ten−1 Torr), the lower limit being prepare past the lack of resolution in distinguishing with the naked heart betwixt the levels of the liquid columns in the two limbs (less than 0.1 mm). Lower pressures can be measured either by using optical magnification or past tilting the closed-end limb to a certain bending, thus increasing the number of divisions on the manometer scale (Fig. 4.4c). The last approach is viable if the ratio of the cross sections of the closed and open limbs is larger than 1/200.

The McLeod gauge, referred to as a compression manometer, permits the accurate pressure level measurement of gases and vapor which exercise not saturate during compression (see Section 3.3). The measuring range of the McLeod estimate is ten2–10−3 Pa (one–x−five Torr) with accuracies from 10% at 10−1 Pa (10−3 Torr) to more 50% at ten−3 Pa (x−v Torr). Trends in mod vacuum technology aim at fugitive the apply of the McLeod judge for the reasons discussed in Section 3.iii.

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Bones Concepts of Pressure Measurement

A. BERMAN , in Total Pressure level Measurements in Vacuum Engineering, 1985

2.5.3 Characteristic Parameters of Gauge Heads

Sensitivity is, if not otherwise specified, the change in the output response of a guess caput to a specified modify in the measured variable at the input. Expressed this way sensitivity represents a gradient, usually measured on the linear region of the gauge head output plot. According to whether the instrument is primary (absolute) (encounter Section 3.i) or secondary, sensitivity is calculated or measured. For the common vacuum manometers or gauge heads, sensitivity is expressed every bit follows.


For judge heads measuring force effect by the deformation of an elastic chemical element (see Section 4.2.ane), sensitivity is

(2.13) s = Δ l / Δ P =  Ct r three / E  k a three

In the deflection force per unit area (ΔfiftyP) relationship, Ct is a constant, r, E m, and a are the radius, modulus of elasticity, and thickness of the rubberband membrane, respectively. Instruments working on this principle need scale.

For manometers measuring force effect by balancing hydrostatic forces (see four.2.2), sensitivity is

(ii.xiv) south = Δ h / Δ P = 1 / ( 1000 ρ )

where Δh is the deviation in the height of the fluid in the ii columns of the manometer, ΔP the force per unit area differential of the columns, g the acceleration due to gravity, and ρ the density of the manometer fluid (usually Hg or oil) Except for the McLeod gauge, the sensitivity of manometers of the liquid column type is derived past calibration.

For manometers measuring the gas kinetic event due to gas viscosity (come across Department 4.iii.4), we have

(2.15) s = forty η r 2 / ( 3 c ¯ g  B )

Equation (2.15) expresses the sensitivity of a spinning-rotor viscosity gauge head, the only rugged ane in the course of viscosity manometers. Here r and g B are the radius and the mass of the rotating ball, respectively, η is the viscosity coefficient, and the boilerplate speed of the gas molecules. Co-ordinate to Reich (1982) scale is required if the range of η is not wide enough.


There are two type of gauge heads measuring gas density by ionizing the gas (see Section 4.4.1)


Hot-cathode-ionization gauge heads. The absolute sensitivity s referred to as the gas ion constant (Schuetze and Stork, 1962) or tube calibration factor (AVS six.4, 1969) is expressed as

(2.16) south = I  c / I P

where I c and I are the collected ion current and the emission current and P is the gas pressure. The absolute sensitivity tin can be regarded as the number of collected ions per electron emitted at the corresponding pressure P and has the units of reciprocal pressure level (one/Pa, 1/Torr) provided that both I c and I are expressed in the aforementioned units. Sensitivity is too known equally the conversion constant (AVS, 1980) denoting the ratio of the collected ion current to the corresponding pressure A/Pa (A/Torr). The conversion constant is given for a specified emission electric current.

For the conclusion of ionization gauge performance (encounter Section seven.three), Eq. (2.16) is written

(2.17) s = ( I  c / I  r ) / I ( P P  r )

where I r is the residuum current to the ion collector at pressure level P r.

Cold-cathode-ionization gauge heads. The expression for the absolute sensitivity is

(ii.xviii) s = I  c + / P northward

where I c is the positive ion current collected at the cathode, P the gas pressure, and n a numerical exponent. The value of n is usually greater than unity; for Penning gauge heads, 1.1 ≤ n ≤ 1.4.

The absolute sensitivity of hot- and cold-cathode judge heads is adamant by calibration (see chapter 5 and Section 7.3). The ratio of the absolute sensitivity for a given gas to the accented sensitivity for nitrogen (or argon) is chosen relative sensitivity. Tables two.five and 2.6 show the relative sensitivity of different gauge heads for different gases.


Gas Pressure Magnetic flux density
Approximate caput type Northward2 Air O2 Ar He Ne Pa Torr Vgrand V I A T M Reference
Hot cathode i 0.1283 0.2407 180 10−3 Moesta and Penn, 1957
Triode 0.67 1 0.xiv 0.22 10−iii upwards 10−5 up 140 10−iv Schultz, 1957
0.75 0.81 0.94 i 0.13 x−3–10−1 10−v–10−2 127.5 x−4 McGowan and Kervin 1960
1 0.17 0.26 10−vii–10−2 10−nine–ten−4 240 10−3 Cobic et al. 1961
1 <5 × ten−3 <5 × 10−5 145 Ehrlich 1963
0.53 0.48 i 10−2 10−4 150 10−2 Anderson 1963
Bayard-Alpert 1 0.134 0.258 ten−iii–10−1 ten−5–10−3 180 10−4 Bennewitz and Dohmann 1966
0.56 1 0.15 10−four–10−iii ten−5–10−5 140 10−iv Shaw 1966
1 0.22 x−6–10−three x−8–10−5 105 viii × 10−v Redhead et al. 1968
0.705 0.616 one 0.127 0.22 10−2–3 × 10−1 10−4–3 × 10−3 145 9.3 × 10−5 Utherbach and Griffiths 1966
Common cold cathode Magnetron 1 0.99 1.76 0.24 10−5–10−three 10−7–10−v 5000 0.i 1000 Barnes et al. 1962
Inverted megnetron 1 0.xv 10−vi–10−3 10−8–10−5 6000 0.2 2000 Hobson and Redhead 1958
Trigger belch one 0.66 v × 10−8 five × 10−10 2000 0.i 1000 Davis 1968


Bayard–Alpert approximate caput number
Gas 1 2 iii iv five
N2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 one.00
CO 0.947 0.954 0.942 0.956 0.951
CO2 one.36 ane.36 1.35 1.34 1.35
CHiv 1.59 1.56 i.58 ane.59 1.57
C2H4 i.30 1.34 1.28 1.xxx 1.23
C2H6 2.60 2.54 2.61 ii.54 two.60
CthreeH6 1.75 1.79 1.79 1.75 ane.76
NH3 0.660 0.654 0.615 0.625 0.668
I eastward = 1, mA, v f = 125 V, v e = −25 Five. After Nakayama and Hojo (1974).

Linearity expresses the proportionality between the output and the input of the gauge head. Linearity is the degree to which a set of successive readings approximates a straight line (usually in the region where sensitivity is linear).

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Mechanical applied science principles

Robert Paine , ... (Sections one.6 and 1.7), in Mechanical Engineer's Reference Book (12th Edition), 1994 Pressure measurement

Pressure may be expressed as a pressure level p in Pa, or as a pressure head h in m of the fluid concerned. For a fluid of density ρ, p = ρgh. There are various instruments used to measure pressure.


Manometers Manometers are differential pressure-measuring devices, based on force per unit area due to columns of fluid. A typical U-tube manometer is shown in Figure ane.34(a). The divergence in pressure between vessel A containing a fluid of density ρA and vessel B containing fluid of density ρB is given by

Figure ane.34.

(ane.vii) p A p B = ρ B g Z B + ( ρ m ρ B ) thousand h ρ A one thousand Z A

where h is the divergence in the levels of the manometer fluid of density ρ m and ρthou > ρA and ρm > ρB. If ρA = ρB = ρ, so the difference in pressure head is

(1.8) p A p B ρ g = Z B Z A + ( ρ grand ρ 1 ) h

If ρone thousand < ρA and ρone thousand < ρB and so an inverted U-tube manometer is used equally shown in Effigy 1.34(b). In this case the pressure difference is

ane.9 p A p B = ρ A g Z A + ( p A ρ grand ) gh ρ b g Z B

and if ρA= ρB = ρ and so the departure in pressure head is

(ane.10a) p A p B ρ g = Z A Z B + ( 1 ρ m ρ ) h

of if ρm≮ ρ then the difference in pressure caput is

(1.10b) p A p B ρ g = Z A Z B + h

The accuracy of a U-tube manometer may be increased by sloping one of the legs to increase the move of the fluid interface along the leg for a given difference in vertical elevation. This may be farther enhanced by replacing the vertical leg past a reservoir and the inclined leg past a pocket-sized-bore tube (Figure 1.34(d)).

Another method is to increment the cross-sectional area of the ends of the legs (or one of the legs), as shown in Figure 1.34(c), then that a small movement of the free surfaces in the enlarged ends results in a big motion of the surface of separation.


Dial gauges Most pressure dial guages make use of a Bourdon tube. This is a curved tube with an oval cross section. Increment in pressure level causes the tube to straighten, decrease makes it bend. The movement of the free end turns a pointer over a calibration, normally via a rack and pinion machinery. The calibration may be calibrated in the required force per unit area units.


Diaphragm gauges In these gauges the pressure changes produce a movement in a diaphragm which may be detected by a displacement transducer, or past the output from strain gauges fastened to the diaphragm surface.


Piezoelectric transducers A piezoelectric crystal produces a voltage when plain-featured by an external force. This induced charge is proportional to the impressed forcefulness and so the output tin be used to supply a bespeak to a measuring device which may exist calibrated in pressure units.


Fortin barometer Barometers are used to measure out the ambient or atmospheric force per unit area. In the Fortin barometer a column of mercury is supported past the atmospheric pressure interim on the surface of the mercury reservoir. The pinnacle h of the cavalcade above the reservoir surface, ordinarily quoted as millimetres of mercury (mm Hg), may be converted to pressure units p0 by

(1.11) p 0 = ρ yard h = 13.6 × nine.81 h = 133.42 h P a


Aneroid barometer In this device the atmospheric force per unit area tends to compress an evacuated bellows against the elasticity of the bellows. The movement of the costless end of the bellows drives a pointer over a dial (or a pen over a pulsate graph) to indicate (or record) atmospheric pressure level variations.

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Comparative report of upshot of various blockage arrangements on thermal hydraulic performance in a roughened air passage

Raj Kumar , ... Rajesh Maithani , in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2018

3 Comparative study

In the present comparative study, turbulent flow through the roughened air passage having different type blockages arrangement on the heated surface is examined. The transverse perforated blockage, angled perforated blockage, 5-pattern solid blockage, V-blueprint blockage with gap, and V-pattern perforated blockage are considered on the heated plate. On the ground of experimental results, the shape of blockage has been optimized.

iii.1 Experimental process

To study the outcome of various type blockage arrangement on the Nu rs and f rs of air stream an experimental setup was intended and made-up accord with guidelines recommended in ASHRAE standard [74]. A schematic analogy and pictorial view of experimental set upward are shown in Figs. 1 and 2 respectively. The air passage is 2000 mm extended with a stream cross department of 300 mm × thirty mm is made-up from ply panel of xx   mm thickness. The air passage is comprises of inlet section 500 mm long, a examination department of 1200 mm length and an exit department of 300 mm length. The complete air passage is insulated with fifty mm thick polystyrene insulation having thermal conductivity of 0.037 Westward / mK to minimise heat loss to the environment. An electric heating chemical element was made-up by nichrome cablevision in series and parallel having a size of 1,200 mm × 300 mm , to supply a kept oestrus flux 1000 Westward / m two to the heated wall which is careful to be sensibly reasonable data of heat energy input for testing rectangular channel.

Fig. 1

Fig. ane. Systematic diagram of experimental setup.

Fig. 2

Fig. 2. Photographic view of experimental setup.

A GI sheet of 18 SWG size painted blackness to facilitate the heat transfer is used as a heated wall. Singled-out type blockages arrangements were pasted on the base of operations of heated plate past means of epoxy resin. This heated plate formed the upper wall of the air passage. The bottom side of the air passage is covered with polish face using sun mica canvass. A calibrated Orifice meter (having coefficient of discharge 0.62) continued to U-tube manometer using methyl alcohol as manometer fluid was used to determine the m a through air passage. The control valves provided in the lines command the stream. Copper-constantan thermocouples were used for air and heated plate temperature measurement. Such thermocouples are usually recommended for temperature measurement in the range of 0–400   °C (Benedict [75],). The thermocouple output is measured by a Digital Micro Voltmeter, connected by a selector switch to designate the result of the thermocouples in degree centigrade. To ascertain the accuracy of temperature measurement, thermocouples have been calibrated nether laboratory weather against a dry cake temperature calibrated instant.

3.ii Range of parameters

Air passage has an 50 t of 2000 mm whereas the H D of xxx mm and W D of 300 mm , the hydraulic diameter D h d of 54.54 mm . The geometry of blockage parameters are determined past blockage height H B , pitch of blockage P B , length of blockage L v , gap or discrete width g due west , gap or discrete distance Yard D , bending of attack α a , and hole position from base of blockage O B . The arrangements of various blockage roughness elements in the shape of transverse perforated blockage, angled perforated blockage, Five-blazon solid blockage, 5-blazon blockage with gap, and Five-blazon perforated blockage fitted on the underside side of the heated surface has been careful. Fig. three(A) and (B) show dissimilar blazon blockage arrangements and Table 2. Shows the range of blockage roughness parameters.

Fig. 3

Fig. 3

Fig. 3. (A). Different type blockage roughness. (B) Photographic view of different blockage arrangements.

Table two. Various blazon blockage roughness parameters.

South.north. Blockage type Blockage parameters
1. Transverse perforated blockage H B / H D = 0.50, P B / H B = 10, O B / H B = 0.44, β O = 12% and Re = 3000–18,000
2. Angled perforated blockage H B / H D = 0.fifty, P B / H B = 10, O B / H B = 0.44, β O =12%, α a = 60˚and Re = 3000–18,000
three. 5-type solid blockage H B / H D = 0.50, P B / H B = 10, α a = lx˚and Re = 3000–18,000
4. Five-type blockage with gap H B / H D = 0.50, P B / H B = x, G D / 50 V = 0.65, k due west / H B = ane.0, α a = 60˚ and Re = 3000–18,000
5. V-type perforated blockage H B / H D = 0.50, P B / H B = 10, O B / H B = 0.44, β O = 12%, α a = 60˚ and Re = 3000–xviii,000

3.3 Data reduction

The information composed have been used to calculate h t , Nu , and f . Relevant expressions for the ciphering of the above parameters and some intermediate parameters take been given below.

Temperature measured

Weighted average plate air temperature:

The mean temperature of the plate is the average of all temperatures of the heated plate:

(9) T p = T pi Northward

The mean air temperature is a simple arithmetic mean of the inlet and outlet temperature of air flowing through the test section:

(x) T f = T i + T o 2

where T o = ( T A 2 + T A 3 + T A iv + T A 5 + T A 6 ) / 5 , T i = T A one .

Mass flow rate measurement

Mass menstruation rate of air ( m a ) has been calculated from the pressure drib measurement across the calibrated orifice meter by using the following formula:

(11) thou a = C practice A o [ 2 ρ a ( p ) 0 ane β R 4 ] 0.5

where ( p ) 0 = nine.81 . ( p ) 0 ρ a m a . Sin θ .

Velocity of air through channel

The velocity of air ( V ) is calculated from the mass flow rate and given past

(12) Five = m a ρ a W D H D

Equivalent hydraulic bore

The hydraulic diameter ( D h d ) is given past

(thirteen) D hd = 4 . ( Westward D . H D ) 2 . ( Due west D + H D )

Reynolds number

Re of the air stream in the rectangular channel is determined as

(xiv) Re = 5 . D hd ν a

Friction factor

The friction cistron ( f ) is calculated from the measured value of ( p ) d across the test section length using the Darcy equation equally

(15) f = 2 ( p ) d D hd 4 ρ a Fifty t 5 2

where ( p ) d = nine.81 . ( h ) d . D hd ρ a one thousand a .

Heat transfer coefficient

The useful heat gained by air is calculated as

(xvi) Q u = one thousand a c p ( T 0 T i )

The estrus transfer coefficient for the heated test department has been calculated from

(17) h t = Q u A p . ( T p T f )

Nusselt number

The h t can be used to make up one's mind the ( Nu ) , which is given past

(xviii) Nu = h t D hard disk drive K a

iii.4 Validation of experimental information

The value of Nu ss and f ss calculated from experimental data for a without blockage air passage have been compared with the data obtained from the Dittus-Boelter equation Eq. (xix) for the Nu ss , and modified Blasius equation Eq. (20) for the f ss .

Nu ss for a smoothen channel is given by the Dittus-Boelter equation as:

(19) Nu ss = 0.023 Re 0.viii Pr 0.four

f ss for a smooth channel is given by the modified Blasius equation equally:

(20) f ss = 0.085 Re 0.25

The comparing of the experimental and estimated data of Nu ss and f ss as a part of Re is shown in Figs. 4 and 5 respectively.

Fig. 4

Fig. 4. Comparison of experimental and predicted values of Nu ss for smooth wall.

Fig. 5

Fig. five. Comparison of experimental and predicted values of f ss for smooth wall.

3.5 Uncertainties analysis

An experimentally calculated data may distinct from its exact data because of the existence of random errors. Uncertainty is the probable data of the error. Thus it is desirable to explicate uncertainty in a measurement and to estimate as to how these individual uncertainties propagate into the calculated outcome [76].

Mass menstruum charge per unit: 1.95%

Reynolds number: 6.07%

Oestrus transfer coefficient: vi.05%

Nusselt number: half-dozen.24%

Friction factor: iv.45%

3.six Results and word

Experimental analysis was carried out for the various blockage roughness shapes under consideration.

3.6.ane Heat transfer and fluid flow

The outcomes are presented in the form of graphs representing the Nu rs , Nu rs / Nu ss and f rs , f rs / f ss with Re for unlike blockage shapes on the heated surface such as, transverse perforated blockage, angled perforated blockage, V-blazon solid blockage, V-type blockage with gap, and V-type perforated blockage.

Figs. 6 and vii bear witness the Nu rs , Nu rs / Nu ss contour with Re in guild to gauge the heat transfer charge per unit augmentation for the different blockage shapes. Figs. six and 7 bear witness the maximum values of Nu rs , Nu rs / Nu ss for V-type perforated blockage as comparison transverse perforated blockage, angled perforated blockage, V-blazon solid blockage, V-blazon blockage with gap with all Re . The Five-type perforated blockage provides the Nu rs , Nu rs / Nu ss higher value of the blockage shape. Due to this reason, the secondary flow cell created by a transverse perforated blockage produces a region of higher estrus transfer charge per unit shut to the leading cease. This high heat transfer region can be enlarged by breaking a long transverse perforated block into two half blockage in a V-type perforated blockage to form double leading ends and a one abaft cease. Thus the heat transfer can maybe exist further enhanced by using Five-blazon perforated blockage. The V-type perforated blockage produce secondary flow streams that help to raise the period turbulence caste and to ship the cardinal cadre flow to the near wall region. Too, the secondary period streams tin can wash up the flow trapped in the V-perforated blockage corner regions which normally act as inefficient heat transfer areas, leading to higher heat transfer rate in the air passage as shown in Figs. 8 and nine. The heat transfer rate of the V-type perforated blockage roughness is found to be much higher that of the other type blockage.

Fig. 6

Fig. half-dozen. Variation of Nu rs with Re .

Fig. 7

Fig. 7. Variation of boilerplate Nu rs / Nu ss with Re .

Fig. 8

Fig. 8. Secondary period jets blueprint in the 5-perforated design baffle.

Fig. 9

Fig. 9. Flow pattern in the V-perforated blockage.

Figs. 10 and 11 show the f rs , f rs / f ss contour with Re for different blockage shapes on the heated surface such as, transverse perforated blockage, angled perforated blockage, V-type solid blockage, 5-type blockage with gap, and 5-type perforated blockage in order to guess the pressure level driblet . Information technology is observed that out of all the blockage roughness investigated, the Five-type perforated blockage roughness shape had the higher the values of f rs , f rs / f ss with Re as compared with other blockage roughness shapes. The value of f rs , f rs / f ss college in V-type perforated blockage is caused by an increased catamenia through the perforation and increased pressure drop with increased turbulent intensity.

Fig. 10

Fig. 10. Variation of f rs with Re .

Fig. 11

Fig. xi. Variation of average f rs / f ss with Re .

3.6.two Thermal hydraulic performance

The air passage efficiency consequently depended on these two parameters. Nu rs / Nu ss and f rs / f rs . The overall thermal hydraulic performance parameter was defined equally the overall enhancement ratio and expressed as follows [32–34];

(21) η p = ( Nu rs / Nu ss ) / ( f rs / f ss ) 0.33

From the in a higher place calculated outcomes, the air passage with different type blockage provided a high Nusselt number associated with the higher friction loss punishment. The overall thermal hydraulic performance parameter was compared using experimental results for Nu rs , Nu rs / Nu ss and f rs , f rs / f ss for different type blockage. A comparison of the overall thermal performance is given in Fig. 12, which shows the variation of this parameter with Re values for the various type blockages used in the air passage. Information technology is found that the maximum values of overall thermal hydraulic performance parameters is V-type perforated blockage as compared with other similar blockages.

Fig. 12

Fig. 12. Variation of η p with Re .

iii.half-dozen.3 Comparison of thermal hydraulic performance parameter various blockage roughened air passage

Every bit stated previous, the design of an air passage using blockage roughness can be based on the best thermal hydraulic performance, based on the thermal hydraulic parameter known as the efficiency parameter [ η p = ( Nu rs / Nu ss ) / ( f rs / f ss ) 0.33 ] , equally discussed in the previous section. Thermal hydraulic performances have been compared using the literature survey of the heat transfer and friction gene for different blockage roughness shapes. A comparison of the thermal hydraulic performances of different blockage roughness shapes air passage is shown in Table 3. It can be seen that the V-blazon perforated blockage result is better every bit compared other blockage roughness shapes. On the footing of present experimental investigation institute that used of Five-blazon perforated blockage across the width of the plate to augment the oestrus transfer rate. Because the high mass menses charge per unit jet from the secondary menstruation cells approaches the perforation and creates additional turbulence as an result of the flow separation and reattachment.

Table iii. Comparison of thermal hydraulic operation parameter with previous investigations.

Sr. no Type of blockage Optimum values Maximum value of thermal hydraulic operation parameter
1. Perforated baffle blockage [26] h / H = 0.5, Re = fifteen,000 1.24
2. Angled baffles
H B / H D = 0.080, P B / H B = 10, α a = lx° 1.89
3. Wavy delta winglets
P B / H B = 3.0, Re = 4000, α a = 60°
4. U-shaped baffles [45] H B / H D = 0.03986, P B / H B = 10,
α a = ninety°
5. Double baffles [46] H B / H D = 0.10, P B / H B = one.0, α a = 90°, Re = 1200 3.fifteen
6. Delta shaped obstacles [47] H B / H D = 0.fifty, P B / H B = ane.v
α a = xc°, Re = x,000
vii. Zigzag-cut baffles [48] H B = 15   mm, P B / H B = eight, α a = 90°, Re = xx,000 one.84
8. Square blockage channel [49] H B / H D = 0.33, P B / H B = x,
Re = 8000
9. Staggered diamond shaped baffles [50] H B / H D = 0.5, P B / H B = 0. 5, θ = 5˚, Re = 500 1.18
10. Rib-groove turbulator [51] P B / H B = 0.v, H B / H D = 0.25,
α a = 45°
eleven. Perforated baffles
H B / H D = 0.495, P B / H B = 12,
β = 30%
12. Perforated blocks baffles
H B / H D = ane.0, W D / H D = 7.5 1.31
13. Trapezoidal winglet type vortex generator [55] b / a = 0.v, β o = fifteen°, α a = 20° 1.lx
xiv. Delta shaped obstacle [56] H B / H D = 0.75, Pl / due east = 1.5, Pt / b = two.33, α a = 90°, Re = 7276.viii 2.14
xv. Winglet blazon vortex generators [57] H B / H D = 0.2, P B / H B = i.33,
α a = sixty°
16. Delta and ogival-shaped baffles [58] b / a = 0.5, β o = 45°, α a = twenty° 2.34
17. Twisted band [lx] W/D = 0.05, P/D = 1.0 i.43
xviii. Twisted tape vortex generator [61] P / W = 3.0, d / W = 0.32 1.55
19. Combined wavy-groove and delta-wing vortex generator [62] H B / H D = 0.5, A h / A westward = 0.031
α a = 45°
20. Transverse perforated blockage
[Present written report]
H B / H D = 0.fifty, P B / H B = 10, O B / H B = 0.44, β O = 12% two.62
21. Angled perforated blockage [Nowadays study] H B / H D = 0.50, P B / H B = 10, O B / H B = 0.44, β O = 12%, α a = threescore˚ 2.seventy
22. V-type solid blockage [Present written report] H B / H D = 0.50, P B / H B = x, α a = 60˚ ii.86
23. Five-type blockage with gap [Present study] H B / H D = 0.50, P B / H B = ten, G D / L V = 0.65, thou w / H B = 1.0, α a = 60˚ 3.11
24. 5-type perforated blockage [Present study] H B / H D = 0.50, P B / H B = 10, O B / H B = 0.44, β O = 12%, α a =60˚ iii.xix

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